Sunday 17 June 2012

Its Not The Destination, Its The Journey

It's not the destination, it's the journey. I'm sure you can have heard that saying at some spot in your journey for successright? Of course you own due to the fact abt travels first begins with a dream. Mine was to be can wait home with my family and still bring in a full-time income. Sure, I was happy when I accomplished goals that I had set and I thought with success happiness should naturally come. But what I had located was, that in between these accomplished goals that winning feeling diminished in ways.

That is something I did not need to lose. It's a good feeling to have and I wanted to have this feeling on an everyday basis and not just when I accomplished little of my goals. Our path where we need to leave is extremely important yet it's the journey we should fall in like with and embrace. It's the journey that shall let us to grow to the greatest person we possibly can be. The journey is what shall let us to grow and build into an great entrepreneur.

Do not rush your journey; understand that it shall take time to reach your destination. Understand that while you can be working towards the path of your decision that you can be growing. Not only growing a good business but you can be growing into an improved wife, husband, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, friend, entrepreneur, leader etc. Take time to reflect and be grateful with what you have already accomplished. Embrace the learning and skills you can acquire along your journey.

Our journey shall bring us good knowledge and growth that we did not have when first envisioned our dream, our destination. Our dream is what placed us on our journey and our journey is where we shall grow to great. So many people view their goals as neither succeed or fail. They can be not can look the in between growth that occurs. When we set our goals and we do not accomplish our goal by spoke about date it does not mean we failed.

Have knowledge of that while you work to accomplish each goal you set you can be growing, you can be learning and you can be becoming an improved leader. This is howcome I loveto embrace eachfailure. With each failure you actually get closer to your dream. Don Williams Jr said: The path of life twists and turns and no 3 directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons return from the journey, not the destination.

How awesome is that? We as people are each different and that is what creates us so special. We are can learn from one another and share good plans and grow. We are each on our own journey working towards our destination. Though I do not trust my path shall ever come. I need to live my life on the journey and continue to learn and grow.

I need to climb my hill and locate an special peak to work towards. I hope that you decide the journey over the path as well. The journey shall bring you many happiness and good things in your life. You can grow spiritually, you can grow like a leader, you can grow like a loved one, you can grow as an entrepreneur and there is honestly no limits to what your journey shall bring to you.

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