Wednesday 4 April 2012

The Coaching Journey - It's in Your Story!

When Little Red Riding Hood set out to see her sickly grandmother, she prepared her basket of goodies and set out on the journey. When Snow Clean was taken into the forest by her wicked stepmother's huntsman to be killed, she also began her good journey into the unknown. Even Shrek (in each movie) faced a formidable journey prior to he should get to where he wanted to be. The truth is that every good story has a journey and it plays a very important role within the narrative structure and also within the personal development regarding the character.So what is the role regarding the journey in our stories? Well, the journey is a metaphor for transformation. The protagonist regarding the story undergoes some kind of change that is enabled by the physical movement regarding the journey. This transformation shall be physical, emotional or intellectual but it is described rathimeena travels within the narrative form.When I was 18, I left building and went to university overseas. It was my first time living distant from building and leaving the shelter of my family and the community I grew up in. My journey had immense significance in terms regarding the personal process I went through. Even the journey itself shall be viewed on multiple levels. There was the component regarding the journey that took location within first 24 hours subsequent to I left home. The flights, the baggage handling, the arrival and the confusion all added to discomfort and metaphorical severing regarding the 'child' from building and family and being catapulted into adulthood.

I trust that the journey went method beyond first 24 hours of physically and literally leaving building and flying overseas. The journey continued over the next 12 months of my university program, living in dorms and meeting people from all over the world. The journey continued with the learning how to shop and budget and bake for myself for first time. It continued when I ran out of cash and worked waitressing and cleaning houses to obtain by and not need to ask my parents for support. The journey continued as I realised what I wanted to learn and moved into the degree program that was offered in another city that I had to move to.In some sense, the journey still continues and shall do so even subsequent to all these year as my life unfolds.The coaching process is many times described like a journey. The assumption being that the client when committing to coaching process undertakes a life changing journey, from which she or he shall emerge changed - hopefully, for the better! Just as we are the protagonist in our life stories, the coaching journey is the vehicle of change for our protagonist, the client. As we enable our clients to take action, this movement creates a momentum which enables distant action. The outcome is the coaching journey which facilitates reaching goals and creating the life that we dream of.There is an immediately obvious link between our stories and the coaching process. When we use story, the metaphor is clean and useful to help our clients take those first crucial steps on their journey to self-realization and fulfilment.As we learn to examine our stories and identify our journey in them, we grow to better equipped to look movement, change and transformation in a positive light. When we understand our journey, through our actions and through our stories, we have the wonderful opportunity to celebrate our own personal transformation.

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