Wednesday 2 May 2012

188 Stage Hero's Journey (monomyth) - Descent Into The Cave, Near Death Experience

In fact, ALL regarding the hundreds of Hollywood movies we have deconstructed (see URL below) are based on this 188+ stage template. Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters. This is the template you should master whether you can be to succeed within the craft. [The terminology is most many times metaphoric and applies to all successful stories and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Peak (2006) to Annie Hall (1977) to God regarding the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)]. THERE IS ONLY ONE STORY

EVERY HERO GOES TO THAT PLACE WHICH HE FEARS MOST. Every Hero goes on a Journey. As is implied, the Journey is physical but also psychological: The Hero journeys from an Ordinary World to a New World and transforms from an Ordinary Self to a New Self (the physical journey induces the psychological transformation). A critical element of most journeys is the First Threshold. Psychologically, the First Threshold is that location which the Hero fears most and from where he cannot return ("beyond here there be dragons")

This fear is exacerbated by the earlier Refusals, Interdictions and Dove and Hawk debates. In Dances with Wolves (Academy Award Winner Greatest Film, 1990), Peter Dunbar is initially afraid regarding the Frontier due to the fact that it is unknown and afraid regarding the Indians who live there. abt travels (1999), Neo is afraid to learn the truth; once he has crossed over, he cannot return. Physically, the First Threshold is some New Website that is a polar opposite regarding the Hero's Ordinary World. It is a dangerous place, with dangerous and unfamiliar objects and inhabitants and is separated from the Ordinary World by physical barriers or markers (rivers, railroads, tunnels etc ) that the Hero should cross

In Dances with Wolves (Academy Award Winner Greatest Film, 1990), Peter Dunbar should cross the prairies to reach the Frontier; when he gets there he finds it to be the polar opposite of where he has return from - devoid of people and peaceful (he has just return from fighting within the civil war). In The Matrix (1999), Neo crosses over to discover an universe completely different to that from where he has just return - humans are in pods and managed by machines. (For the Done 188+ stage hero's journey basically leave to ). ABRIDGED TIPS, EXCERPTS AND EXAMPLES:. Descent into the Cave

The Hero et al descend into a Cave. The Cave is a metaphor for a sub-domain within the First Threshold. In When Harry met Sally (1989), Harry meets Sally within the airport (a sub-domain of New York City). Descent shall be interpreted in many ways - the Hero can physically and mentally descend, he can leave deeper within the sense of involvement or familiarisation. In Dances with Wolves (1990), Fort Hayes is initially unwelcoming and alien

But Peter Dunbar creates it his home. Sure characteristics are noticeable:. The descent is many times dark and the Hero et al seem as if they can be travelling into the unknown or unexpected. Anything should happen here. The Hero et al have no decision but to descend; something forces them there

In The Matrix (1999), Neo literarily falls shape the pod. There should be resistances. Phrases like "I do not like the look of this" are common. Phrases like "don't leave there" are common. Near Death Skills development

It is at the stage regarding the Near Death Skills development that a Hero many times confronts the antagonism in one shape or other. In Straw Canines (1971), David fires Cawsey et al. In Scarface (1983), the FBI arrest Tony et al. WRITE THAT SCREENPLAY!. The Done 188 stage Hero's Journey and other story structure templates shall be located at stages regarding the Hero's Journey should possibly be reached from should possibly receive a free sample file by entering your email address at this site

You can post this story on your web place or blog as long as no changes are made, the author's name is retained and the links to our place URLs remains active

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