Tuesday 7 August 2012

Self Realisation: Running And The Journey

It occurred to me how running is a best metaphor when it returns to journey of removing the images and projections we have of reality and seeing reality for what it truly is. Something that should possibly seem to be, 3 steps forward and one step return at times. When we first begin running it shall be an unique struggle and strain and it can even be so extreme that we look like we are going to pass out. However by continuing to push ourselves we shall soon locate that we can sprint for a sure distance without feeling too overwhelmed. And once we have proven to ourselves that the distance we have been running is not to hard subsequent to all and our body has adapted to pressures, we shall look that it's time to leave that little bit further.

As consequently previously we felt comfortable and at ease for most regarding the distance, now that we are going distant it feels as though we are starting all over again, but fortunately we can look that we are definitely going distant than prior to and that it's not that our fitness grades have regressed to an earlier stage. And from our own skills development of running, we can look how this process not ever ends. However our own ever evolving evolution of who we are is not always as linear as running or as easy to measure. And it can many times look as though components of our life are definitely getting worse. This is mostly common within the early stages of our journey when we are just beginning to grow to conscious and aware of ourselves.

As depending on how old we are, we can look that during those years, there was sure of no. of repression and barely naturally now that our attention is being placed on those parts it can seem overwhelming and very many to take in. But just like the running that is initially hard at first, it gets easier and more manageable. From my skills development of this once we are on the path, we will not be getting of it, due to realising our own responsibility and the incredible power we have. And I also know once we have experienced truth, our own capacity to live in denial shall gradually begin to diminish and grow to unbearable.

And there shall also be times when we shall be can look our achievements and to look how distant we have come, only for something to appear out of nowhere and take us off guard and make us question our own development. However it is during these best challenges that our next position of growth awaits us with the opportunity of greater grades of self discovery and fulfilment. I also can look how important it is to have mentors in our life that can assist us and let us to grow and develop through their own experiences and presence. As well as being can assist us during moments when it can all get a bit many for us. I also look it is extremely important to compare ourselves with ourselves, as ultimately no one is similar or has similar journey.

And all the time we are comparing ourselves with others, we shall not ever truly be can measure our own progress. It shall only make a sense of failure at our own achievements. With it being highly important for us recognise and acknowledge these changes, as no reason how tiny or insignificant they shall seem at the time, they can be component of a bigger picture that shall continue to expand and grow. With it being so easy to be hard and judgmental to ourselves, we can many times forget that we are doing the greatest that we can in each moment. If you look this was of price to you please leave a comment or get in touch with me.

I appreciate yourcomment's and views.

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