Monday 23 July 2012

Pain Prior To Pleasure - My Journey Into Reiki

Back in Shall '07 I became a Reiki master. Years prior to I had grow to a Reiki two and 3 practitioner as I had wanted to heal other people. I did most courses within the similar to weekend. I'd been asking myself for years What can I do sequential to help other people heal? The thought that I shall need healing myself was not ever a factor in my process or decision to learn Reiki. I soon knew that Reiki worked as I'd had a very profound skills development subsequent to my initiation.

This had followed self-treatments for six weeks subsequent to my course. Despite this, I had huge reservations as to the intent and motivation of my Reiki master. I clearly had my own issues going on at the time and he was the thorough target for my projections. Consequently, I did not seek his guidance and proceeded on my own, creating use of my intuitions to assess the energies that I was channelling. Since I was working night shifts I used my breaks to release myself long treatments.

On that occasion I soon developed a huge pain in my chest, at the location regarding the heart. Fortunately, as I was working in a Coronary Like Unit CCU at the time I knew the symptoms were asymptomatic of angina and just trusted the process. This was despite an everyday increase within the pain subsequent to each self-treatment. Subsequent to six weeks the pain was so good that I should barely drive my car, since it was too painful to turn the steering wheel. I cancelled all of my shifts at work and treated myself for a little more days, and now my sleep started to suffer.

One day, whilst within the bath, I had a huge catharsis and began to look my life flash prior to me. Everything that I had done was starting to grow to apparent and I started to wonder what message I should have left the universe if I had died just then. I cried for England as the bath filled up further. I spent the next 3 days acting as though I was Scrooge on new year's morning! This led to me telling all of my colleagues and family, who were around me at the time, how many they meant to me, whilst shedding plenty more tears. With each proclamation the pain eased little more.

Despite the profundity of this skills development I stopped creating use of my Reiki, except for the odd, intermittent treatment, for multiple years afterwards. During my Reiki two and 3 course I met 3 very dear friends, Alan and Annette. We have remained in contact ever since and shared our respective journeys. When Alan asked Annette and I if we wanted to grow to Reiki masters final year I decided that it sounded like a good idea. He had located a Reiki master that he liked and we should need to meet up 4 times over 3 months.

We attended the course and, like before, I started to do a little treatments on myself. Shortly subsequent to I developed a pain in my shoulder, which worsened over time and Reiki. As there was plenty going on in my life during that period I had not regarded the synchronicity of becoming a Reiki master and developing this pain. My NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming training had led me to trust that I had created this pain for a purpose, so I set out to discover what I wanted to do to resolve it. I addressed issues with family and colleagues over the following months, which yielded many positive outcomes, yet the pain still remained.

I performed Time-Line Therapy and self-hypnosis, releasing many things but still the pain remained. I then attended a therapist who dealt with past-lives who regressed me to a battle many lifetimes ago where I received a spear in my shoulder. Surely this was the breakthrough that I had been seeing for? Apparently not. Consequently the pain lessened considerably, I was left with a residual ache. Earlier that year I had picked up a shape from the Reiki Association, telling me related to the annual Reiki gathering.

Final September I decided that I should attend, as it should be a good opportunity to discover out a bit more about Reiki and meet other practitioners. During the gathering I experienced some huge energetic and emotional shifts, which frequently had me on the verge of tears. I was also humbled by an array of profoundly talented masters and practitioners. During a team healing with a wonderfully insightful couple, Rosemary and Trevor, I was informed that the pain was due to a chip that I had on my shoulder. They also brought many other profound insights into my consciousness, giving me a healing stone to help me on my path.

I was surprised; as I thought that I had forgiven everyone that I should ponder of, whom I'd had an issue with. Distant treatments during the gathering intensified the emotions that I had been experiencing and multiple questions surfaced for me. Fortunately, I was helped by the insights and healing energies regarding the attendees regarding the event. Then, finally, on the final day I sat next to another Reiki master, Ian, and started chatting to him. He listened to my Reiki story and very gently informed me of a couple of things that I wanted to know.

Firstly, that I was not ready to initiate any master's into Reiki as I was clearly not ready. Indeed, watching many regarding the Reiki 3 practitioners during the gathering had already created me realise that I had an extended method to leave sequential to match their skill. Secondly, he let me have knowledge of how important it was to obtain permission from your Reiki two master prior to getting another master to distant the Reiki journey. Suddenly, I had a light bulb moment. This led to the following e-mail correspondence with my first Reiki master, which, in turn, led to another cathartic moment and the release of all pain in my shoulder.

Dear Reiki Master, I realise that you can probably not do not forget me, yet it is important that I write this mail. I took a Reiki two and 3 weekend with you about six years ago and felt very negative about you and your teaching style afterwards. The consequence was that it has taken me this long to understand the error of my perception. My Reiki journey was confusing and resulted in periods of neglect, self-doubt and disillusionment with regard to my spiritual and healing practice. During that weekend I felt that there were too many students and not enough opportunities to ask the many questions that I had at the time.

When little of your teachings were contradicted by other Reiki masters I decided that I had been short-changed and chose not to contact you about it. Consequently you have knowledge of not been consciously in my thoughts for multiple years now I have recently located my method return into Reiki through becoming a Reiki master a little months ago. Recent attendance of a Reiki masters' gathering, with The Reiki Association, has caused some powerful energetic shifts within me and led me to talk about my early Reiki experiences. Once again, I located myself feeling very negative. However, I now have knowledge of that my negativity towards you was only a projection of my negativity towards myself.

I am now in a location where I am ready to own it and apologise humbly to you for any energetic consequences that shall have happened like a result of my actions. I should also like to acknowledge the present that you gave me during that weekend and how it has now led me to a location of very profound, deep and meaningful healing. I should like to thank you from the bottom of my heart and release my unreserved apologies for my lack of insight into the nature of Reiki and what happened to me during my initiations with you. Peace, Love, light and healing energy, Adam Shaw. Dear Adam Apologies for delay - have been in Mexico building our cancer centre, conducting studies studies with children in schools with ADHD, and developing projects with the Mexican NHS.

Your email is certainly appreciated. Consequently you can discover as you tread your path that it is not important what a minority of others ponder about your work. There shall always be the people who don't ever understand - and there exists countless reasons howcome they cannot understand. The greatest important things to have knowledge of as we work our soul missions are that 1. we are coming from the greatest likely motivation of like to help our world 2.

we are attempting to help the highest majority of people who seek our help Blessings for your good works Reiki Master I shall not be a master of Reiki yet in anything but title - though healing returns in many forms. My healing came the day I changed my question to the universe. It is only through honestly asking myself on an everyday basis what do I need to be consciously aware of to achieve the maximum healing within the minimum time that led me return to Reiki. Real, sustainable healing occurred for me the 2nd that I decided to take responsibility for everything that has ever happened in my life. Only through this process of self-empowerment can sustainable healing occur.

My Reiki journey has led me to one regarding the greatest profound experiences of my life. For this I am filled with gratitude.

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