Sunday 22 July 2012

Thang Ta: A Journey (through The The Past Of Kangleipak) From An Ancient Combat Art To A Well-known Technological Sport [1st Section]

Through the the past of Kangleipak. from an ancient combat art to a well-known modern sport [1st section] -1st Part- a Introduction:. Thang Ta is the popular, common name provided to Huyen Langlon or Lallong {Huyen'~ war; Langlon'~ net or art or knowledge regarding the art hence together ~ knowledge of war art? Lallong'~ knowledge or strategy of war; hence in simple words, it roughly means the knowledge of art of war or warfare or ~ martial art}, the martial art system regarding the Meetei race, primary inhabitants regarding the valley of Kangleipak Meitrabak or Meeteileipak; Sannaleipak; Poirei Meetei Leipak or Poileipak, present day Manipur, Northeast India. Thang Ta {Thang'- sword; Ta'- spear, as these are the primary weapons used} is a done martial art; done within the sense that it has most the external {the weapons art; the unarmed aspect: Sharit-Sharak' or Sarie-Sara', within the indigenous wrestling or grappling style - throwing and amp; locking art- Mukna'; the physical exercise- power or strength development, conditioning, balancing, flexibility etc - Sajen Kanglon}; the internal component{focusing on the awareness regarding the heart and amp; mind; meditation and amp; concentration- Hirikonba; and amp; self cultivation}; the well-being component{Layeng Kanglon; within the breathing manage and amp; exercise- Hirikonba}; along with spiritual and amp; ritualistic aspects{the morning practice of Chingkheirol mostly in olden days? the tradition of Thengou sacred martial forms or dance ? the tradition of performing spear martial forms by Pana Khousaba within the Kwak- Tanba festival, near Hindu Dussehra, and amp; Ta Khousaba ~ spear forms in Lai Haraoba Merry festivals of Meetei Deities? even the performance of little of Ta Khousarols within the funeral procession by some team of Meetei - the Chakpa or Loi and amp; Andro or yathibi now mostly are at spots like Shekmai, Phayeng, Leimaram, Andro, and amp; different spots of Thoubal and amp; Bishnupur, etc Manipur }. [They are the descendants of a team of brave Meetei people, who dared to oppose the forceful conversion to Hinduism, rather preferred to die and amp; be tortured, and amp; were, thus, expelled and amp; sent to faraway spots and amp; hills - being treated as the Sudras, the lowest caste in Hinduism - during the reign of Meitingu =Meetei king Pamheiba 1709-1748? and amp; who still are preserving some regarding the indigenous traditions and amp; cultures of Meetei race].

In short, it is a method of life; an integral element regarding the Meetei culture; the very foundation upon which the kingdom of Kangleipak was laid; the life giving oil for the lamp, the Meetei race, whose overall survival depended upon it. Hence, not to be amazed, to regional legend, stating the origin of each and amp; every movements of Meetei from Thang Ta- the universe well-known Manipuri Classical dance, the splendid Pung and amp; Pala Cholom, the graceful Lai Haraoba dance- all trace their origin within the moves, gaits and amp; postures of Thang Ta. be Some words related to the origin:. The origin of Thang Ta is full of myths and amp; legends; is believed to be born out regarding the simple survival instinct, the self- defense needs, the hunting activities{some regarding the sequences of a critical Ta-Khousaba depict different stages in hunting and amp; catching wild animals}- [Ta-Khousaba: an ancient collection of moves or exercise series drafted for mastering or increasing efficiency in handling Ta spear and amp; Chung buckler, and amp; their techniques in simple words, most likely, a spear forms or patterns. Its first nine varieties are Maram Nungsetpa, Maram Achouba, Maram Macha, Kabui, Athou, Tangkhul, Yangbi, Thel, A tan etc.

] -, the military training and amp; experience, and amp; most importantly, the burning desire and amp; the utmost passion regarding the Meetei race not ever to be dependent or below any foreign rule. One well-known legend relates the creation of universe with Thengou [ancient sacred martial art forms or dances performed with sword or spear. As with Ta Khousaba, nine styles are known: Akao Thengou, Leiphal Thengou, Nongphal Thengou, Leichal? or Leichai Thengou, Leipak? or Leikak Thengou, Leinet thengou, Langkak Thengou, Akham Thengou, Leishit Thengou] performed by the Gods. So sacred are the forms thought about till this day that they have been kept very secret, and amp; revealed only to little worthy, by the good masters, below immense precautions, strict supervision and amp; rituals. Unfortunately, this very fact is creating the art prone for extinction.

Another myth is the divine origin of different weapons known to Meeteis as derivations from the limbs and amp; bones regarding the God, Til Sidaba. Whatever the legends say, the origin and amp; evolution of Thang Ta shall be understood to some extent, even if indirectly through the origin of Meetei race; the the past of Kangleipak {the ancient books and amp; literatures like Cheinarol - with details of many medieval fights and amp; challenges, mainly between the commoners; Saturol Lanturol Sapharol Lanpharol concerning about divined laws or rules which a Thang Ta warrior had to follow in a battle field or combat; Takhel Ngamba concerning different situations in which even an enemy is forgiven or not killed; etc}; the geographical characteristics, interaction with surrounding Kingdoms their lifestyle and amp; martial arts - within primary battles fought? the profile of migration in and amp; out regarding the kingdom; socio-cultural and amp; religious evolution regarding the society, life of some regarding the well known Thang-Ta masters, and amp; lastly the arrival of modern sport movement in Manipur. c The Meetei The Origin:. According to ancient religion of Meetei, The The god Sannamahi or like the life giving sun, spreading the ray or liquid of life in all directions created all life forms when there was nothing within the universe, as asked by his father, the supreme god, Atiya Kuru Sidaba Atiya- vast empty sky; Kuru- circular hemisphere; Sidaba- not ever ending or no birth, no death present or Lainingthou Salailel Sitapa Ipa Salailel or Ipa Sorarel. Then to sustain and amp; propagate the newly created life, The The god father sent his younger son, God Pakhangba, who became the protector and amp; in due course of time, the King hence regarded as first King regarding the Meetei people.

In another more accepted version, Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa, first Meetei monarch and amp; hence provided the name Lailel Pakhangba' Lai God, lel greatest or supreme, Pa Father, khangba to know, is thought about to be the younger son regarding the The god Lainingthou Salailel Sitapa and amp; Leimalel Lailelma Sitapi Malem Leima - the Earth, who married seven Lai ladies namely, Laikok Huimulei Puksi Khompi, Huimu Leima, Loikhompi Mawai Thongngai Lelpi, Laiyek Pithet Leima, Leima Ulum Khotchao Tonpi, Leitham Tali Leima, Nonghainu Lilee Leima and amp; fathered seven sons, the seven Salais, hence the Meetei race. [ a Pakhangba laining worshiping or mediation was that is why traditionally performed by the Kings, Nobles and amp; Maichous scholars, which requires deep concentration and amp; meditation, instead of verbal chanting. Hence, God Pakhangba is thought about to be the source of Thang Ta, so within the past, it was compulsory for every Thang Ta disciple to hold a devotion to and amp; worship him God Pakhangba or Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa. On the other hand, the Sannamahi laishon became common to all people - here, verbal chanting and amp; singings are very common. be The phrase Meetei breaks as Mee + tei.

Mee means person in Meeteilon derived from Mi', meaning image or shadow; tei' is from Atei', meaning different from or other than', as its believed that the The god created them seeing at his image, but are different from him other than The god and amp; are mortal. Scientifically speaking, no one knows, with 100% certainty, the origin of Meetei race - only probabilities and amp; suggestions, based on archeological evidences, the written records, legends, myths and amp; oral traditions etc. The earliest settlers of Kangleipak are believed to be the Himalayan Mongoloids groups though disagreed by some. The Proto-Austroloid is believed to have inhabited the ancient Kangleipak prior to the advent of Tibeto-Burmans around 5000-4000 B. However, first evidence regarding the Pleistocene person here dates back, even to about 30,000 B.

{as the evidences from Khangkui caves, 11 km southeast of Ukhrul; and amp; from tools located in Machi in Chandel district, from Maring Naga Village}. Some argue that the Kangleipak Valley the hard areas- probably near the Kangla; some scientific sources date the approximate person habitation of components regarding the Kangla at around 18,000? years BC were first inhabited by a team of people, called Lai people, coming below from the Koubru Peak ranges to north-west of present day Imphal? and amp; their descendants became the Meetei. They had been there in Koubru since the very beginning of time - shall even be first Homo Sapiens. [In accordance with a theory of first Person appearance by about 195,000 years ago and amp; evolution in Africa, some learned argue that they came in one regarding the waves of pre-historic migrations from Africa, some 70,000-50,000 years ago, arriving in present India, around 20,000 years ago, and amp; through Northeast India, within present Manipur, went to Southeast Asia. But, there shall also be an interesting claim and amp; theory place forward by the respected Meetei learned, Mr.

Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen, in his book, Kangleipak? the Cradle of Man' arguing the ancient Kangleipak as the origin location of Homo Sapiens, based on the scientific findings regarding the well-known Chinese Paleoanthropologists, Professor Jia Lanpo, whose 40 years studies concluded the location of origin of Homo Sapiens as within the southern component of East Asia, which very many includes the ancient kingdom of Kangleipak. Mention shall also be there of an evidence of 1969 which clearly asserts that the Ramapithecus from Northeastern Indian is not fewer than 4,500,000 older than the Australopithecus from Eastern Africa, thereby giving fewer mass to African origin of modern man. Besides citing many folklores, folktales, mythologies, traditions regarding the ancient Kangleicha backing the theory that Kangleipak is indeed the cradle of mankind]. d The Meetei - Theory of some early foreign influence The Chinese:. One between the many theories indicates the early Chinese influence though not proven and amp; strongly objected by many.

A team of adventure seeking people [believed to be of earlier Shang Dynasty ~1600BC? or 1766BC? - ~1117BC? or 1046BC?, China, founded by the rebel leader of Shang tribe, Cheng Tang or Zi Lu, subsequent to fighting 18? years 11? primary battles against the Emperor Jie, the final regarding the Xia Dynasty ~21st to 16th 100 years BC? or 2033BC?-1562BC? and amp; ultimately overthrowing him within the Battle of Mingtiao?] reached the Koubru Peak ranges, Kangleipak, following the Yangtse river -{The river which traditionally divides the Chinese martial arts into Northern styles which lay more focus on legworks, kicking and amp; acrobatics etc and amp; the southern styles which lay more focus on little stable stances, brief powerful movements, combining most attack and amp; defense, use of arm and amp; full body techniques }- from the Yangtse river to Chindwin river or Ningthi tural now in Myanmar, passing the Somra hills, and amp; reaching the origin regarding the Ireel river, and amp; ultimately the Koubru. [ a Cheng Tang was the 14th generation Shang leader descendent of Yilu? and amp; his son Yao Situ?, the vassal of then Xia King or and amp; descendent of Gaoxin?, the good grandson? regarding the legendary Yellow Emperor, Huang Di, of China,~2697BC? - ~2597BC? was a good and amp; virtuous ruler, a model or necessary ruler, whose example was imitated by every monarch. He ruled like a king for13?years, succeeded by his younger son as believed by many- the elder son, Tai Ding or Da Ding is spoke about to have died at an early age without succeeding his father, Wai Bing?. be Shangs are the tribes who used to live within the decreased reach regarding the Yellow River hence also called Yellow Civilization. Their Dynasty lasted ~ 508? years, with 31? kings belonging to 17? generations, and amp; ruled many regarding the northern or northeastern China, with seven different successive capitals.

3 most important events or developments during the period were the invention and amp; development of a writing system the ancient Chinese inscriptions located mostly on tortoise shells, and amp; flat bones, mostly of cattle's, like scapulae etc- called oracles bones; bronze inscriptions; on pottery, horn, stones etc, and amp; the use of bronze metallurgy. The advance bronze casting techniques gave them a military advantage-their infantry were armed with varieties of bronze and amp; stone, wood or horn weaponry- like bow, axe, halberd or ji similar to a spear, with an extra blade attached at its end. etc- consequently the bronze was commonly used for art rather than weapons. Hunting was thought about as an important component of their martial training. They practised some earliest shape of Chinese martial arts- Shoubu ch'uan fa or kung fu; jiao di or horn butting developed by The Yellow Emperor, Huang Di, ~2697BC? - ~2597BC?; bow and amp; arrow are also spoke about to have been invented during the reign and amp; earlier shape of Xiang Bo many similar to sanda or sanshou of present day wushu.

Martial arts also evolved into a kind of dancing, which was very useful for training soldiers, and amp; increasing their morale. Many regarding the wrestling techniques were applied in battlefields. There was rapid development regarding the skill and amp; technology of sword forging, and amp; sword ceremony. They specially near the end of their dynasty were also known to migrate emigrate and amp; venture distant and amp; large - the claim of their travelling? and amp; settling? to ancient America- sharing component of ancestry of native or indigenous American people?, and amp; the foundation of Gija Joseon? in ancient Korea; hence, the claim of their immigration to ancient kingdom of Kangleipak is not many surprising to many. {Gija Joseon was an ancient kingdom founded by Gija and amp; his descendants.

Gija or Jizi? was a virtuous Shang royal blood- paternal uncle or nephew or brother?- regarding the final Shang king Zhou, a tyrant, and amp; was one regarding the 3wise men-other Weizi and amp; Bigan- regarding the Shang dynasty. He was imprisoned by the king, and amp; was set free by the king Wu regarding the Zhou dynasty - western Zhou:1046BC?-770BC?; eastern Zhou: 700BC?-256BC?- subsequent to overthrowing the Shang dynasty at ~1046BC?. He fled - not wanting to be a loyal subject to Zhou dynasty? or went in exile- to ancient Korea with his garrison of 50000 men, and amp; founded the kingdom of Gija Joseon,1122BC? or 1100BC? or? -194BC?, with 41 rulers?- the people of Seonu clan of Korea think about themselves as being the descendents of Gija. The kingdom neither succeeded? Gojoseon kingdom 2333BC?-1100BC? or 108BC?,the first legendary kingdom of Korea, founded by legendary Dan'gun, son of Hwanung- founder of Sinsi or blessed city, and amp; grandson of Hwanin, god of heaven, or co-existed with it at its west end, west of Liao river, until overthrown by Wiman dynasty,194BC?-? or 108BC? }]. , one leader regarding the group, Tang-Ja Leela Pakhangba 1445-1405 BC {Pakhangba here isn't the Meetei God, but a name or title; Pa' = forefathers, khangba' = knowing; one who knows his forefathers} married the daughter Sinbee Leima regarding the Chief of Lei-hou people ~ Lai people??, and amp; established his kingdom within the ancient Kangleipak.

[However, the current well-known theory rejects all the above claims, and amp; stated that first monarch of Kangleipak was Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa a Lai', who ascended the throne near and gt;2000BC + {~ and gt;1737 BC + } and amp; fathered seven sons - the seven Salais, begotten from his seven Lai wives or queens, whose descendents grow to the Meetei]. e The Meetei - Theory of some early foreign influence The ancient Immigration:. An important intermixing of different groups of people occurred during the reign regarding the king Chingkhom Poireiton 34-18 B. ; as from some source, though have many objections. There was a location named Khamtilong at the junction of 3 kingdom - China, Tibet and amp; Myanmar, inhabited by different tribes - Nung, Chakpa, Kham, Mon, Khu, Nga etc thought about to be neo-Tibetans.

In response to invitation by the people of then Kangleipak known as Tai-Pong-Pan to people of Kham-Nung; as there was no ruler present- it is believed that for about 700 years?, there were no rulers within the ancient Kangleipak, prior to and amp; around? this immigration, Chingkhom Poireiton was sent by his brother, Thongarel, Kham-Nung Saowa, the good person regarding the Nung tribe to rule the place; hence came accompanied with many of people, regarding the above mentioned tribes they can be believed to have followed Buddhism?, who inter-married and amp; lived together together with the earlier {Lei-Hou -Tang-Shang? } inhabitants regarding the ancient Kangleipak Kangleipak was then called Poirei-lam, and amp; the inhabitants: Poirei-Meetei. [Here we look one regarding the earliest Buddhist influence. Some even argued the derivation regarding the term Sanaamahi indigenous religion of Meetei from Sanaamahay {~meaning the royal fruit, the essence regarding the teaching regarding the god Buddha the historical Budha was known by the name Kawtumuni }. Many Buddhist articles within marble statues regarding the god Buddha have been located in excavation in different websites of Manipur. Also, in ancient Meetei literature like Subikaa ancient astrology book, many drawings and amp; sketches, located are of Buddhist elements or influenced by them.

Buddhism was hardly known to Kangleipak, but little of its elements are spoke about to be invariably found? in our lifestyle and amp; tradition, as interpreted by some scholars{like the Meetei tradition of worshipping Sanaa Khongnaang sacred fig tree? and amp; the Buddhist belief of Prince Siddhartha historical Buddha or Saikyamuni attaining enlightenment below an sacred fig tree or Bo Bodhi vrikhs tree};- besides some know Buddhism was thought about to spread to Myanmar or Burma, passing through Northeast India also one regarding the 3 ancient silk routes passed through Kangleipak- perhaps leading to Yunnan; but was stopped since 1820 AD? The Pyu and amp; Mon kingdoms of ancient Burma are known to practise Theravada Buddhism - subsequently many strongly object this claim stating the communicating link between Mainland India and amp; Southern East Asia did not included Kangleipak at all - neither through Assam etc or by sea route, even the claimed silk route not ever touched Kangleipak. Nevertheless, everyone knows the emphasis provided within the development of almost every orient martial art with Buddhism]. f The Meetei The Seven Salais, and amp; the Kingdom:. After some duration, from these people, the indigenous seven feudal clans or Salais regarding the Meetei; and amp; all their closed associate brothers many hill tribes sprang out within the previous section, more accepted origin theory regarding the seven Salais regarding the Meetei was provided - like a direct sons regarding first monarch regarding the Meetei. Also, it's believed that some groups regarding the Meetei Salais went to surrounding hills and amp; contributed to ancestral line of hill tribes possibly the Kabui, Tangkhul tribes and amp; many others etc.

The seven clans of Meetei - {the Ningthouja or Mangang descendents regarding the 1st son, Mangang, traditionally believed to have administrative center at Imphal Kangla , the Angom regarding the 4th son, administrative center near the Kongba river and amp; the Khapa-Nganpa regarding the 6th son, administrative center at Taknakha region - latter, mostly settled along the river courses, as with any good civilizations, of Nambul, Kongba, Hill and amp; upper portion of Imphal; the Khuman regarding the 3rd son, administrative center at Pumlel - settled in Thoubal, Wangjing and amp; decreased course of Imphal rivers; the Moilang regarding the 5th son, administrative center at Moirang - along the Maklang, Nambol, Thongjaorok, Khuga and amp; Moirang rivers; the Luwang regarding the 2nd son, administrative center at Langkol Ningthou Laipham - along the Luwangli, Phumlou, Abalok and amp; Isingda rivers; and amp; lastly, the Salail Leisangthem regarding the 7th son, administrative center at Leisang Hithen region - along the Maklang and amp; Nambol rivers} - were at frequent fighting and amp; struggling between themselves and amp; with other tribes for supremacy and amp; power, thereby constantly improving and amp; refining their martial skills - the experiences were accumulated and amp; many new techniques discovered or invented, and amp; passed below from generations to generations. Eventually, the Ningthouja clan is believed to have subdued the whole and amp; emerged as the supreme power, thereby uniting the feudal clans, and amp; an independent kingdom arose {however Moirang clan was annexed many later, within the year 1435? By Meitingu Ningthoukhomba 1432-1467? Khaba clan was first to obtain absorbed} in 33 A. This happened below the able and amp; dynamic leadership regarding the good Meitingu = king Nongda Lairen Nongda Lairen=heaven born Pakhangba 33-154 A. , together with the help of Angom Pureiromba and amp; Luwang Langmaiba his allies included 3 Kuki Chiefs also Kuki Ahongba and amp; Kuki Achouba, as per many. [However, about 163?? kings are believed to have ruled the Kingdom prior to him.

He was the descendent regarding the line of Meitingu Tangja Leela Pakhangba 1445 BC-1405BC and amp; his son, Meitingu Kangba 1405-1359 BC? and amp; he married Laisra, daughter regarding the line of Meitingu Chingkhom Poireiton 34-18 BC kings]. He was the one, between first to in habitat some regarding the low-lying valley of Kangleipak, which he named Kangla meaning hard land - some present scholars are strongly against this view and amp; thought about Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa as the establisher regarding the Meetie Kingdom, and amp; Lai people being first to inhabitate the valley, as its written in sacred puya of Meetei. [ a Consequently ruled by Khaba clan prior to him the Khaba chief, Nongjenba?, was killed by him together with the help of Moirang army and amp; Chaoba Meleiba; eventually the weakened Khaba clan is spoke about to have merged with Nganba subclan to from Khaba-Nganba clan later?. Kangla, situated on the bank regarding the Imphal river, later referred as The Manipur Fort' by the British. not only was the capital or royal palace from his period till the year 1891, but also a blessed location for Meetei; God Pakhangba is believed to reside below Kangla', besides there exists some 360 sacred spots of Meetei in it.

Since its occupation by the British on 27th April 1891, a column of security forces- Assam Rifles the oldest Central Para Military Force in India was stationed there, which even, subsequent to the independence and amp; merger with India as per the controversial Merger agreement of 2nd Sept. 1949, was not removed from there, to many discontent regarding the Meetei. {The agreement was signed unwillingly by the King of Manipur, Meitingu Bodhchandra 1941-1955 at Shillong Meghalaya, like a result of immense pressurization and amp; as forced by the newly formed independent Indian govt. Shri Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, the Iron person of India, was provided the task of unification and amp; annexation of princely states into mainland India. It should be noted that the Meetei king, - subsequent to the handed over regarding the Manipur by the British to him and amp; his queen, Iroshi Devi, at 12 midnight of 28th August 1947, subsequent to the 2nd world war 1939-1945; in Manipur, 1942-1945 - had already declared the Manipur like a sovereign kingdom or state, linked to India only by the act of accession.

Also, by the July 1947, the creating regarding the constitution of Manipur drafted by the committee, whose composition was done earlier on 12th Dec. 1946, on the order regarding the Meetei king, Meitingu Bodhchandra was already completed. As per first election poll of Manipur on Jan. 1948 like a result regarding the recommendation by the council of princes of 1946, for establishing well-known elected governments in Indian states, first elected govt. of Manipur was formed, and amp; Shri Priyobarta, the brother regarding the Meetei king, was offered the post of first C.

he was already working as C. , appointed by the Meetei king himself, for the interim govt. just subsequent to the independence. Unfortunately, together with the merger agreement the king signed it, without any prior accountability regarding the elected Manipur Assembly, and amp; govt. , the interim Manipur State Council, and amp; the Manipur State Assembly and amp; the elected govt.

Primary General Rawal Amar Singh became first Indian Chief Commissioner of Manipur, on 15th Oct. 1949, subsequent to the annexation of Manipur to India Manipur was provided a component C' territory status, basically his province- he had the power to rule the land even without consideration regarding the people. With many struggle and amp; hardship since early 1950, the statehood was finally achieved in 1972. After many pressurization and amp; request to Union Government of India, finally on 20th November 2004 ~133? years subsequent to the British occupation the Kangla fort was handed over to Manipur State government. be Within the ancient times, primary portion of Kangleipak valley is believed to be covered by vast h2o new water, named Loktak Lok=stream in hillocks; Tak=vast by Meitingu Kangba 1405-1359 BC {it was during his reign Meitingu Kangba that Sagol Kang-jei the polo play is believed to have been introduced; Kang Jei- the stick used like the hockey stick, Kang drom- the ball used}- some scholars are regarding the opinion that by around 17,000BC? primary portion of Imphal valley was dried up].

He is subsequently thought about truly the maker of Kangleipak, and amp; during his reign, the Meitei lifestyle took its roots. His dynasty ruled the kingdom continuously in correct chronological order {till the merger of Manipur together with the Indian Union in 1949, and amp; like a component of India upto 1955, a total of about 72 kings Manipur became a Union Territory of India in 1956 and amp; a full-fledged state in 1972; at present, as per the tradition, Meitingu Leishemba Sanajaoba is the 78th King of Manipur. The art of Thang-Ta began maturing and amp; receiving shape. The Kingdom of Kangleipak stretched from the hills on the east to mountains regarding the west as per from the pamphlet THE MEITHEIS' by T. Actually, the kingdom volume was very many depended upon the fortunes and amp; may of her monarchs as per Lt.

{Some shall even claim though lacking obvious proof that the ancient kingdom stretched up to border of China on the north, beyond the river Chindwin within the east and amp; southern present Myanmar, and amp; within the west up to southern Bengal sea. As per some writer, during the reign of king Khumomba, Ningthoukhomba and amp; Kiyamba from 1263-1508, the kingdom stretched within the north upto component of Naga hills or Nagaland and amp; the land track between Nagaland and amp; Chindwin river the northern limit is by the Tarret river- originating from Phrek in Nagaland and amp; draining into Chindwin river? within the south, upto a component of Mizo hills or Mizoram, within the land tract between Chin hills and amp; Chindwin river or little more southwards; within the east, upto one day abt travels east of Chindwin river; on the west, upto Barak Valley within components of Bangladesh. In the period from 1562 to 1799 during the reign of king Mongyamba, Khagemba, Garibnawaz, others, the boundary regarding the kingdom was: on the north and amp; north east, component of Nagaland, within component of Patkai ranges and amp; reaching upto the land tract bounded by Tarrung river or Arunachal Pradesh boundary; on Southern and amp; Southern east, component of Mizo hill, and amp; land tract between the Mizo hills, Chin hills and amp; Arracan ranges on west, and amp; Chindwin river and amp; Irrabaddy river within its basin, on the east; on the west,boundary of Tripura and amp; Sylet within the Barrak valley; on the east, upto Awa capital Alva or beuond should be beyond Irrabaddy river and amp; its tributaries. From 1825 till 1953 29 or 30th March 1953, the boundary on the west was upto Jiri river; on the east, little miles beyond Chindwind river; on southern eastern, upto meeting location of Chindwind and amp; Irrabady river; on north east, upto Taret river flowing into Chindwin river; on north, component of Nagaland within the land between the Nagaland west, Tarret river north and amp; Chindwind river east? on south, component of Mizo hills within the land tract between Chin hills and amp; upto the meeting location of Chindwind river and amp; Irrabaddy river or beyond. {The British Primary Grant and amp; Captain Pemberton handed over the Kabaw valley to Burma on 9th Jan.

1834 without consent of King Gambhir Singh later compensation provided to King for that. Subsequent to Manipur merger to India on 15th Oct. 1949, first Indian Prime Minister handed over the Kabaw valley permanently to Burma at Kohima during his 2nd Manipur see on 29 or 30th March 1953 without any compensation. The boundary of Manipur shrank to 22,270 sq. km around 1970s from around 22,356 sq.

, with disputes of boundary at Maogate, Zuco Valley and amp; Zesami region with Nagaland, and amp; Ukhrul and amp; Moreh sector with Burma. This close geographical and amp; cultural proximity and amp; interaction together with the neighboring kingdoms which also have wealthy martial art traditions, {also probably known to distant west and amp; east kingdoms, as the worldwide trade route within silk route of past comprising Europe, The Middle East-Arabs, Asia and amp; Oriental countries passed through these regions though disagreed by some}, continuously had a considerable impact within the evolution of Thang Ta. -2nd Part- a The Meetei martial art - Interaction with neighboring Kingdoms The Chinese:. The inter-influence between the Meetei martial arts and amp; Chinese China- our once ancient neighbor martial arts shall be roughly understood from some regarding the historical events- like some regarding the historic battles and amp; profile of migration between the two. The earliest Chinese interaction has already been mentioned [In Chinese, Meithei' means people of this country', meaning people of their territory, as per some learned].

Many scholars know that Meetei travellers or traders? on horses may have reached out to China and amp; upper Burma during the reign of Meitingu Khui Ningngonba 364-379, Pengsiba 379-394 and amp; Naokhamba 411-428. About the year 1250, a huge many Chinese forces invaded Kangleipak known to Chinese as Hsiao Po-lo-mein', during the reign of Meitingu Puyathaba 1247-1263, but was defeated. Many Chinese prisoners of war were assimilated into Meetei society, and amp; settled at Susa Kameng' within the valley. [during these periods, in China, the practice of Ch'uan fa or Kung fu was so well-known between the different civil organizations that there some team of people, called Luqi people, created their living performing martial arts all over the country. The words of military excellence and amp; martial skills of Meetei Kings spread distant and amp; wide, even up to China Khagi' to Meeteis.

In 1576, during the reign of Meetei King, Meitingu Mungyangpa 1562-1597 AD, a Chinese Chief or King Khagi Ningthou, by the name Piyango as known to Meeteis, sent as per a legend or story one fierce Chinese martial art expert or fighter, by the name, Meitana or Mayadana to challenge the Meetei king for one-on-one lethal combat so ferocious was he that the commoners feared him as Hingchaba or a demon or monster. The Meetei King, Meitingu Mungyangpa accepted the challenge, and amp; fought him creating use of his sword name Khoubomba' and amp; spear Khangshunaha' believed to be provided by the God Pakhangba himself, as per a legend. The Khagi- hingchaba Chinese monstor or demon was ultimately defeated, killed, crushed and amp; buried below a stone in Kangla, by the Meetei King. {some thought about the stone to be at the Nunggoibi'?, still in Kangla this day It is the sacred location of worship regarding the goddess of war. Whenever a king of Kangleipak emerged victorious in battle, the sacred ritual of Huyein Lalu Chanba' was performed at this place }.

[In the similar to year 1576, Meitingu Mungyangpa got a son, who came to be known as Khagemba from the word, Khagi - ngamba'; Khagi=Chinese, Ngamba =conqueror ]. It is spoke about that when the news reached the Chinese King or Chief, he was so impressed that he, himself, came he stayed for a brief duration in Kangleipak, prior to returning to his kingdom with his royal attendants to Meetei Kingdom, and amp; presented many precious gifts, they brought from China, including, a flower, Khagileihou' Khagi'= Chinese; leihou' ~ flower - a kind of flower, very common in present day Manipur to Meetei King. Deeply impressed by the techniques and amp; effectiveness of Thang Ta, many of his attendants stayed { and amp; settled, as believed by many Thang Ta masters, at 3 places- Koutruk, Sengjam and amp; Chirang some sources mention the spots as Khagi Hingol, west to Kangla } and amp; learnt the Meetei art, Thang Ta. His son, Ningthou Ningthou=Meitingu=king Hanba or Meitingu Khagemba 1597-1652, just like his father, was a good King, and amp; also a skilled martial artist. He defeated a troop of raiding Chinese forces; probably from Yunnan province of China, in around 1631.

He attacked Chinese Villages, and amp; defeated their Chief Chouopha Hongdie' known to Meeteis as Mangolsha or Manubak, a Chinese martial art expert, who was killed by Meitingu Khagemba. He too brought many Chinese war captives, and amp; with them many skills- brick making, sericulture, and amp; to little extent their martial art system. [At these periods in China, their martial arts received many development during the Ming 1368?-1644?, and amp; Qing Dynasty 1644-1912?. Many Martial arts books were published. There was integration between different martial arts genres during the Qing period; also were the wrestling techniques introduced into general martial arts - improving and amp; maturing them] be The Meitei martial art - Interaction with neighboring Kingdoms The Burmese:.

Another important kingdom which had a significant impact was the Burmese Kangleipak was known as Kathes, Cassay to them, present day Myanmar, { and amp; to some extent, the other Southeast Asian kingdoms Many meetei soldiers as Burmese war captives mostly who were component of Burmese cavalry corps etc participated little of battles in these regions. Burmese king Alaungpaya 1752 1760, founder regarding the Konbaung dynasty, 1752 to 1885 surrounded it's spoke about that about 500 cassay horsemen were with him Ayutthaya, the Siamese Capital Thailand in 1760, but was wounded accidently and amp; latter died. In 1764, Burmese king Hsinbyushin 1763-1776, 2nd son of Alaungpaya and amp; 3rd King of Konbaung Dynasty, Burma conquered Chiang Mai in Thailand, Vientiane capital city ofLaos? he also sacked Ayutthaya in 1767}. One shall understand this by appreciating the similarities between the Meetei Thang Ta and amp; Burmese martial art systems- Thiang meaning total combat, specially the weapon art of Banshay, and amp; the unarmed art, Bando { and amp; even together with the Thai art-Krabi Krabong Krabi= the sabre, an extended sword with curved tip and amp; oversized hilt; Krabong=spear or staff, the mother art of modern Muay thai. There was constant social-cultural relationship, and amp; trade contact between the 3 kingdoms, and amp; even beyond.

The similarity regarding the traditional Meetei male garment, Khudei, with those of Thai and amp; Khmer is amazing. The ancient Meitei script is thought about comparable? to that of Thai. [The Khmer people regarding the good Khmer empire of Cambodia, Java, Sumatra, etc are believed to have return from west? of Burma, and amp; India, in ancient time. They played a significant role in shaping regarding the ancient Burmese, Thai and amp; other Southeast Asian kingdoms]. Some scholars know that the Mon of Burma Myanmar came and amp; settled within the ancient Kangleipak kingdom as early as around 2000BC?.

As related to Khmers? The Meetei called them Khamarans, well many agree it was instead referred to Burmese, it is spoke about that they immigrated around 1000BC? to kingdom. There shall also be historical evidence of immigration of many Shans, Tai Pang and amp; Chin-Kuki groups from Upper Burma like a result of ravage of upper Burma by the Mongol ruler, Kublai Khan {reign:1260-1294; the 5th good Khan ~ruler regarding the Mongol Empire, the founder of Yuan Dynasty,1271?-1368;the grandson regarding the good Genghis Khan reign:1206-1227, the founder of Mongol Empire, 1206-1368, the largest contiguous land empire within the world's the past ~22% of world total land region }. It was the Pong king {Burma; Kangleipak was known by the name Cassay or Kassay to Shans or Tais, Kathe to Burmese etc; some scholars even doubt the Pong kings as descendants regarding the very early Meetei king first Pong king, Khool Lai ascended throne in 80AD; a Meeteilon phrase Khool = Place, Lai = god is thought about as Tarung, the son of Pakhangba ? Nongda Lairen Pakhangba, 33-154AD, and amp; his queen Leisuk Leisoi Yampi who was deputed to hold administration towards the east in Pong}, Chaopha Khekhomba to whom a Meetei princess was married, who presented a gift- a golden box? containing a stone, known as Pheiya or almighty {later claimed by an immigrant Brahmin as Hindu the god Vishnu hence mark the advent of Vaishnavism, and amp; starting of idol within the shape of sacred stone worshiping in Kangleipak}, a litter and amp; a sacred spear to guard it to Meetei king Meitingu Senbi Kiyamba 1467-1508, from the phrase Senbi-Kiyaang Ngamba; Senbi-Kiyaang the place, Kabo-Kiyaang in Burma; Ngamba - conqueror like a present to celebrate their victory subsequent to conquering with their combined force, Meetei king was~27years old and amp; Ponk king~47years the Kiyaang Khambat {the king of Khambaat, Chao-Seng, a subordinate to Pong king, had kidnapped the Meetei princess Sanna Langmeirangbee accompanied by her maid servant, daughter of Haoroksu, on her method to Shan capital Mongaung, to be bride regarding the Pong king around 1475}. As he rescued the princess, he shall also be known by the name, Leima-Phaabi, Leima~queen or princess;Phaabi~capturer. The Meetei king got Khambaat, region on the west of Samjok Thaungdut or Ksawnghsup, and amp; region covered by Mingkhong and amp; Muwai, as per the agreement together with the Pong king.

[He built a brick temple for worshipping the stone at Lamangtong or Lamlangtong ~ 27 km southern of Imphal around 1475. Wel, as claimed by the immigrant Brahmin, the stone was worshiped as Hindu the god Vishnu {Some sources claim the statue, probably, as God Buddha; as The Pong king was a Buddhist. Also Meitingu Senbi Kiyamba was not a Hindu he practised the indigenous religion of Kangleipak- Sanaamahism. }, and amp; the location was latter called Bishnupur land of Bishnu or Vishnu. However, some source states the name Bishnupur' was provided by Meitingu Pamheiba 1709-1748 AD to carve the name Bishnu Goswami' within the the past of Kangleipak, who had worshiped Bishnu Vishnu? at the place; the King also constructed a temple devoted to The god Bishnu Temple at Lamangtong or Bishnupur.

Bishnu Goswami was the many beloved brahmin or sadhu regarding the king. According to some learned, this sadhu or monk who was a wandering palm reader was even thought about the biological father? regarding the king, Meidingu Pamheiba. As per the source, the queen mother of Pamheiba regarding the king, Meitingu Charairongba 1697-1709 AD - originally she was a war captive, a Chothe by birth; though the king loved her very many - was tricked and amp; convinced by the sadhu who threatened her predicting that she should not ever get a male child from the king hence none of her bloodline should be the future king, but he, the sadhu, should change her fortune by giving her a male child a very common trick used by many self proclaimed so called holly men even to these days. Pamheiba who was smuggled and amp; nurtured since the day of his birth in a Thangal hill village was adopted by the King Meitingu Charairongba at around 20 years of age]. The Toungoo Dynasty of Burma 14861752; King Mingyinyo, 14861531, founded thefirst dynasty at Taungoo sent emissaries asking for Meetei princess {for marriage, to which the Meetei king Meitingu Charairongba 1697-1709 gave his daughter}.

However, the relation with Burma was not always friendly, but more hostile. They were frequently faced war situations, and amp; huge war captives along with their tradition and amp; martial lifestyle were brought into or out regarding the kingdom. The Kabaws Shans invaded the Khuman of ancient Kangleipak, but were driven out by the Khuman together with the help of Meitingu Khumomba 1263-1278. Meitingu Khumomba also defeated the Kabaw chief and amp; captured a many chiefs. Meitingu Ningthoukhomba 1432-1467 raided Shans inhabited Alka within the Chindwin river basin, around 1443, and amp; conquered it.

From the period of King Meidingu Mungyangpa 1562-1597, many Burmese Kabaws or Awas war captives settled at Kabo Leikai, Imphal and amp; were assimilated into the Meetei society. He invaded Mungkhong Mung-yang within the eastern side of Kabaw valley, defeating Shan rulers Mungyangpa ~ conqueror of Mungyang. He raided and amp; conquered many spots in Kabaw valley also region beyond 3-4 days east of Ningthi river, capturing 100 Shan Chiefs like Samjok or Thangdut or Swang - Hsup 1571, 1582, Kyang and amp; Shan Yathek 1597 etc. Meetei king Meitingu Khagemba 1597-1652 invaded Kyang and amp; around 177 prisoners were captured in 1602 also in 1614, along with other spots like Samjok etc. Similarly, 60 prisoners were taken when he invaded Samjok in 1607.

In 1648 also, he defeated Khamarans. He defeated Mungyang and amp; subjected a huge many Shan Chiefs. The king of Samjok was defeated by Meetei king Meitingu Khunjaoba 1652-1666 in 1653 and amp; 1659; he also defeated the Kabow valley chief in 1637. In 1657, Mangsataba was completed destroyed which was a tiny principality within the Kabaw valley. Meitingu Paikhomba 1666-97 invaded Samjok within the year 1692 also in 1693, and amp; also drove distant Burmese, attempting to invade Kangleipak throughout the Chindwin river within the similar to year.

Meitingu Pamheiba 1709-1748 popularly known as Garibnawaz, a Persian word, meaning kind to poor'- provided by Muslim immigrants or Gopal Singh, the Hindu name, invaded Burma subsequent to the Burmese king insulted his sister and amp; had not treated her well she was wife regarding the Burmese king. He with his skilled army below the good general, Thangjaba Chakrapani?, defeated the Burmese army on many occasions in 1714, 1725, 1733, 1735, 1737, 1738, 1739, 1748-49 etc; according to some author, he invaded Burma for atleast 10 years, out of which 7 years were continuous-1738 or 39 to 1744 or 45. He was the terror regarding the upper Burma below the king Taninganway, 1714 1733, the 14th king of Toungoo dynasty; and amp; his son, King Mahadhammaraza Dipati, 1733 1752, the 15th and amp; final king of Toungoo dynasty of Burma? it was he who gave the death blow to tottering Toungoo dynasty of Burma. The upper Chindwin valley was below annual raids. He defeated Samjok king and amp; collected ~1000 guns he invaded Samjok seven times-which was the greatest powerful and amp; a good source of revenue, tribute as paddy, regarding the spots of Kabaw valley- hence he was also called by the name Samjok Ngamba' or conqueror of Samjok.

His army killed the Burmese troops stationed to guard the Kaung Hmu Daw Pagoda{meaning ~ the royal merit creating pagoda', a sleek dome-shaped Pagoda at ~10 km from Sagaing, spoke about to be based on the model regarding the Maha-Ceti Pagoda of Ceylon or Sri Lanka, was built by King Thalun,1629 1648, the 8th king ofToungoo dynasty ofBurma in 1636, and amp; its foundation stone is spoke about by some scholars to have been laid by one Jibananda Thakur of Manipur, and amp; vandalized everything on the method upto the wall of Ava in 1738, he was spoke about to have conquered 46 divisions of Burma, of which a Burmese noble, Eu-Aujaya Aaumeiyajee' was the title was created the king with capital at Yewa. He left his sword marks at the door regarding the Pagoda. His army crossed the Chindwin River and amp; captured Mayedu city on the bank of Yu river, Matsem, Dabayen, destroying the Awa capital Sagain or Tsitkiang etc hence, Kabaw valley, Pong kingdom, Ka-ya kingdom within neighbouring region of Burma should be below him. The kingdom extended up to up and amp; below stream regarding the river Irrabaddy and amp; its tributaries in Myanmar ~3-4 days? journey east beyond the Chindwin river; some author even wrote that his conquest extended distant beyond the river Irrabaddy and amp; its tributarial tracts, probably even the whole of present Burma was below him within the east; within the west, upto the plains of Cachar; within the north, about 9 days journey from the capital of Kangleipak; within the south, upto the Irrabaddy basin on the Bay of Bengal. The Meetei soldiers, specially the cavalry on ponies with great skills of Thang Ta were feared and amp; respected by all and amp;Meetei kings, thought about to possess divine powers and amp; abilities.

One regarding the deadly weapons used by Meetei army cavalry was called Arambai', a steel arrow commonly poisoned with a rope tail, hurled from the war ponies with a very high speed, accuracy, causing maximum casualties to enemy. c The Meetei martial art The military strategy: Lallup system':. The Military excellence regarding the Meetei was mainly due to Lallup' system war or military organization. In Lallup, every male Kangleicha people of Kangleipak above 16 years and amp; mostly up to 40 years was a member. There were seven Salai Lallup groups, belonging to seven clans of Meetei each controlled by their respected Maichou, all below the central command regarding the Meetei king.

Each Salai team had their own identifying colour code, even characteristic weapons swords- as an identification mark; and amp; for ritualistic and amp; religious use of different shapes and amp; sizes. Every member had to master the art of Thang Ta, and amp; had to ready for action any time, when the Meetei king commanded. This does not mean Thang Ta was exclusive for males. Kangleipak has witnessed many good female warriors. 3 between the many, were the Queen Lingthoingambi thought about as the Joan of Arc, of Kangleipak, Queen Khayoiron Senbung Lokpi and amp; Queen Kuranganayani.

[Queen Lingthoingambi was the wife regarding the Meetei king Meitingu Ningthoukhomba 1432-1467 AD, conqueror of Tamu, and amp; the mother of king Meitingu Thangwai Ningthouba or Kiyamba 1467-1508, the conqueror of Kabaw Valley. Within the absence of her King, she led the Meetei soldiers in different war fronts, and amp; also brought many spectacular victories; like the successful defense to raid by the Tangkhul tribes from Tuisem village. Queen Khayoiron Senbung Lokpi was her daughter-in-law, wife of King Meitingu Kiyamba and amp; daughter of Khuman king Thingkonkhuba, and amp; was equally brave she defeated King of Senbi Mungkhong, Sanaahongba and amp; even raided Panlu or Sasen. Queen Kuranganayani was the queen of King Suremphaa or Rajeswar Singha 1751-1769, the 33rd King of Ahom Dynasty, 1228-1826? or 1838?, daughter of Meetei king Meitingu Jai Singh or Ching-Thang Khomba or Bhagyachand ra? reign: 1759-1761 or 1762? AD;1763-1768-1798 or 1799? AD who gave her paw to Ahom king subsequent to the Ahom helped him suppressed Meitingu Kelemba? or Chitsai? 1748-1752? However, as per other source, Kurangganayani or Tekhao Leima Phongba Lokpi was the daughter of Meitei king Meitingu Gourshyam or Maramba? 1753-1759,1761 or 1762?-1763. It was she who played a vital role in killing{as per her plan, he was killed on the night of 1770? prior to the Bohag Bihu festival It's spoke about that she was first to have struck him with a sword and amp; wounded mortally}one regarding the rebel leaders, Raghav Moran he took her forcibly as his wife subsequent to dethroning the king and amp; helped in suppressing first phase 1769-1770? of Moamoria rebellion 1769-1806? against the Ahom Dynasty.

She was also the one who saved the Ahom king Lakshmi Singha or Sunyeophaa 1769-1780, who became her husband and amp; the king subsequent to the death of his brother, Rajeswar Singha in 1769 from the Moamoria rebels - he was taken as prisoner by the rebels; and amp; helped in restoring the kingship subsequent to suppressing the initial phase regarding the rebellion]. The Salai clan also had their method of learning and amp; teaching Thang Ta slightly different from one another. Many techniques were taught in total secrecy, for the fear of revealing to any expert onlooker; and amp; the fear of creation of neutralizing counter attacks etc, if they became well-known and amp; common, and amp; hence no detailed should be as effective as before. Even today, Thang Ta is taught and amp; practised by the present masters in different ways though the final goal is same, according to what they have learnt and amp; experienced. d The Meetei martial art The fall:.

With the advent of Hinduism, gradual disbandment and amp; disorganization regarding the Lallup system and amp; the Lalmee soldiers started. The King Meitingu Charairongba 1697-1709, believed to be the final king regarding the bloodline of Pakhangba embraced Vaishnavism Madhavcharya sect of Vaishnavism around 1704, but he gave equal respect and amp; still regarded the indigenous Meetei religion. His son, Meitingu Pamheiba {1709-1748, an adopted son who killed his father, the king, by stabbing within the chest when he was in sleep Meitingu Charairongba was dead tired subsequent to defeating the invading Tusuk army; he had not eaten, nor had any sip since the final 3 days, like a component regarding the 3 days rigorous prayer to God Sanamahi Lainingthou as advised for the welfare regarding the king and amp; the kingdom unfortunately not ever completed due to advancement regarding the invading army towards the capital, prior to the dawn regarding the final day regarding the prayer } - on the contrary, was completely swayed distant by the waves of extreme or dark side of Hinduism, and amp; even tried forceful imposition of Hinduism he was first initiated into Vaishnavism by Gopal Das; latter he switched over to Ramanandi college of Vaishnavism. Many temples belonging to Meetei traditional religion and amp; deities were destroyed; and amp; replaced by Hindu gods. He prosecuted severely the Meeteis following the traditional religion; and amp; even did not spare those belonging to other sect of Vaishnavism.

He banned poultry and amp; piggery around 1723, even records and amp; books written in ancient Meetei scripts. All the Lupungs burial grounds for Meetei Kings and amp; his forefathers were excavated, and amp; the remains, burnt on 20th March 1724 on the bank of Ningthi river Chindwin river, then a component of Kangleipak, according to Hindu rituals thus starting cremation of deaths between Meeteis; the cremation place of Meetei Kings, the Manglen in Kangla, was subsequently developed by him within the year 1738. Hinduism became deep rooted into the society, and amp; its influence obvious in every section, resulting in extensive and amp; sudden transformation regarding the socio- economic and amp; cultural formation. Sanskritisation or Hindunization regarding the Meetei nomenclature {the kingdom was named as Manipur, so as to relate to Manipur regarding the Mahabharata; subsequently the name was believed, assigned officially British India to Kangleipak by Mr. Rendel? in 1774? when Mr.

Warren Hastings was the Governor General of British India} and amp; introduction of Hinduised gotra regarding the seven Salais followed. On the 17th day of Mera October, 1732 as decided by a seminar, held at Kangla Hall, Imphal on 9th Oct. 2008; well some think about it to be somewhere in between 1721 and amp; 1725 A. D at the instigation regarding the king's religious guru, Shanti Das Gossai A Hindu preacher who came during the later reign of Meitingu Pamheiba from Sylhet, Bangladesh, all the ancient written documents regarding the kingdom, ancestral records, within the blessed scriptures, called the Puya, were burnt below { Puya Meithaba: an attempt to modify and amp; erase the ancient identity of Kangleipak; and amp; to rewrite the theory of Hindu origin of Kangleipak; even many new Puyas as spoke about by some Meetei scholar - Sanggai-Phamang Puyas' with wrong information?? with plans or methodology concerning with Hindu religion were forced to be written by the scholars, as per his order. } at Kangla Uttra that is the ancestral coronation hall regarding the Meetei Kings.

Those Meeteis the Lois and amp; Yaithibi {including all the Maichous scholars like Louremba Khongang Thaba, Langol Lukhoi, Konok Thengra, Wangoo Bajee etc? and amp; many more like Chingngu Khongnangthaba, Moirang Lalhanba etc. were even hanged to death} who resisted to conversion to Hinduism {as one between the many techniques of conversion, spoke about by many - people were forced to sip Charnamitra' or Khongjum' in Meetei language: Meeteilon, basically the h2o remain subsequent to washing or sinking feet- regarding the Hindu priests; who knows should be even possible, may have been forced to have cow dung or cow urine etc? ??'. } were tortured, and amp; driven out regarding the first community to distant villages with them some ancient Meetei records. All these strained the relationship between the king and amp; the Lallup soldiers also together with the hill tribes, who along the Meetei Loi and amp; Yaithibi were thought about as the Sudras, the lowest caste in Hinduism, and amp; uncivilized. , who often became to be viewed with suspicions.

Top military commanders became Hindu immigrants. The Lallup system was deteriorating and amp; with time, becoming more a civil organization from its original military organization. This collapsing regarding the Lallup system and amp; also due to prevailing political turmoil like a result regarding the frequent fights for controlling power and amp; throne between the princes regarding the kingdom should be attributed for the seven khuntakpa devastation and amp; abandoning regarding the Meetei kingdom due to Burmese army terror. Two during the reign of king, Meitingu Gourashyam or Linwai Phallou Maramba 1753-1959 AD; 1761 or 1762?-1763 AD , when the Burmese king Alaungpaya 1752 1760, founder regarding the Konbaung dynasty 's force regarding the highly militaristic Konbaung Dynasty, 1752 to 1885; by 1758, his force had reunited almost all of Burma invaded Kangleipak in 1755 The Burmese use fire arms against the Meetei with traditional weapons, and amp; Khuntak Ahaanba, first devastation followed and amp; 1758; 3 within the year 1764 or 1765?, 1769, 1772 or 1773? during the reign of King Meitingu Ching-Thang Khomba or Bhagyachandra reign: 1759-1761 or 1762? AD;1763-1768-1798 or 1799? AD. The final one, lasting for seven years, was known within the the past of Kangleipak, as Chahi Taret Khuntakpa' from 1819 to 1825, ending the reign of King Meitingu Marjit 1813-1819.

The Meetei force faced defeat within the paw of King Hsinbyushin's 1763 1776 force of Konbaung dynasty, 1752-1885, Burma {as believed assisted?? by Chitsai, uncle of Meitingu Ching-Thang Khomba, who was subsequent to the throne}. Within the subsequent years, the King, Meitingu Ching-Thang Khomba fled along with his queen, and amp; a little royal attendants to Cachar or Ahom kingdom, Assam Kangleipak was known by the name Meklee or Magloo or Magalu or Moglai to them and amp; to Cacharis. About 300,000 Kangleicha the people regarding the kingdom were believed to have been neither carried distant or killed around 1768? near the city of Ava, the presence of about 100,000 Kangleicha captives were reported. [The king fled to Cachar many times - atleast thrice? within the history, first in 1764 or 1765? when the Burmese force counter attacked to his raiding of Awa with Ibungo Sija Haricharan? 2nd in 1769 when the Burmese attacked subsequent to he killed King Khelei Nungnang Telheiba,1764-1768? 3rd in 1772 or 1773? when the Burmese counter attacked his raiding. ] e The Meetei martial art The well-known Maram Ta Khoushaba':.

There are some interesting incidents story during his exile. On his method to Cachar or Ahom kingdom, the king reached Maram', a village on the peak top, where the inhabitant tribes failed to recognized him, and amp; demanded a proof of his identity as they had heard many stories related to the divine power regarding the Meetei king. To this, The king did a Ta Khoushaba Thang Ta spear shape or martial dance on a hard rock, leaving his foot prints within the spear shape or pattern, about 70-80% utilization of decreased extremities is needed, as he did different moves Phanba regarding the form. Similarly, when he reached Ahom kingdom like a result? of a letter from his crafty uncle, Chitsai, poisoning the Ahom king, Suremphaa or Rajeswar Singha 1751-1769, the 33rd King of Ahom Dynasty, 1228-1826? or 1838? that it was an imposter not the Meetei king, who was receiving refuge at his court, he without any weapons was asked to tame and amp; manage one fierce, wild elephant at Rang Ghar {a royal sports- pavilion or stadium like, for observing sports, pet fights, corporate functions etc in Ahom kingdom, built in 1746 by Ahom King Sunenphaa or Pramatta Singha 17441751, predecessor of king Rajeswar Singha thought about one regarding the oldest amphitheater in Asia, located in Sibsagar district of Assam} like a proof of his identity like a Meetei king believed to possess divine powers. So beautifully and amp; gallantly he did the formidable task, winning the respect and amp; belief of Ahom people instantly.

Thereafter, the Ahom king helped him regained the throne of Kangleipak. {Two attempts were created to reinstate Bhagyachandra by the Ahom king in 1765 and amp; in 1768. First attempt Ahom army led by Haranath Senapati Phukan was unsuccessful due to attack by Naga tribes, lack of food, heavy thickness regarding the forest and amp; poisonous snake bites etc hence called Lat kata sprint or war within the midst of cutting the creepers. The 2nd attempt was important for his ultimate regaining regarding the throne ~10,000 Ahom infantry led by Kirtichandra Borbarua + army which included many hill tribes also raised by Bhagyachandra, total, spoke about to be ~80,000 infantry. Finally, his force defeated King Wangkhei Binodram's who was installed by the Burmese as the Kangliepak king in 1772 in 1755 at Lamangtong and amp; Foiching.

He ruled the kingdom till 1798?}. [As a devotee of god Govind Cheitanya's College of Vaishnavism? he is spoke about to have been helped by the god himself who tamed the elephant as the Mahout. Subsequent to this incident, as revealed in his dream, an idol regarding the God some spoke about to be 4 innumber was carved shape a sure Jack veggie tree growing on the slopes of Kaina hill 26 km from Imphal on Imphal-Yairipok Road, and amp; installed at a Temple at his Langthaban Canchipur Palace 11th Jan? 1779. Subsequent to the installing, ras-leela was played continuously for 5 days at the reveal ground of Ras Mandal Pukhri. The dance Kunja Ras, Maha Ras, Basanta Ras, its dresses etc, are spoke about to have been composed by the King together with the help of his daughter, princess Bimbabati or Shija Laioibi, as what he had seen in his dreams.

Actually, Ras Leela dance shall be concluded? as modified version of ancient Lai Haraoba Dance of Meetei] f The Meetei martial art The primary exodus of Thang Ta warriors - The seeding out:. The year from 1819? to 1826 witnessed the dark periods of chaos and amp; devastation within the the past of Kanglaipak, painfully engraved within the hearts of each Meetei, The 7 years devastation. The Burmese King Bagyidaw 1819 1837; 7th King of Konbaung Dynasty,1752-1885; grandson regarding the 6th king Bodawpaya,1782-1819, the 4th son of king Alaungpaya sent a huge force ~25000 soldiers and 3000 cavalry below General Maha Bandula?, the commander-in-chief 1819 -1825; as per some author 3 Burmese generals were sent to invade Manipur- Pakhawown and amp; Kaniwoon, when the Meetei King Meitingu Marjit 1813?-1819 refused to attend the coronation ceremony and amp; pay homage to him the Burmese King, and amp; due to cutting of timber by Manipur within the Kabaw valley{Marjit got the throne of Manipur together with the help of Awa king Ba-Gi-Dao or Bagyidaw, subsequent to revolting twice against his brother, king Chourajit 1803?-1813?. He gave Kabaw valley to Burmese king}. Meitingu Marjit was defeated subsequent to a fierce fighting of 7? days ~7000 Meetei vs ~30,000 Burmese soldiers; its spoke about that they captured Manipur on 8th Jan.

1820, and amp; he fled to Cachar in Assam - the victory earned General Maha Bandula, the title Ne Myo Thura Yegaung' provided by the Burmese king. Burmese troops took method about 30,001? Kangleicha war captives around 1820?. Fearing the terror of Burmese army, many thousands more fled to neighboring kingdoms Tekhao, Assam; Takhel, Tripura; Sylhet, Bangladesh; Awa, Burma etc; also to hill tribes, mainly Tangkhuls and amp; Kabuis, who latter were absorbed within them. These people, within many Thang Ta masters, took along with them the martial arts tradition of Manipur. {During and amp; subsequent to these seven years, the population regarding the Kingdom was believed to be reduced by about 30,000-50,000 to ~ 10,000 at the end; it is spoke about that thenumber of adult males within the kingdom was fewer than 3001in 1826; however, the totalnumber of Kangleicha neither killed or captured during 1764-1824 was estimated to be around 2lakhs, about 9 or 10th regarding the total Meetei within the period}.

to be continued in 2nd section. Compiled and amp; written by:. MBBS,DSM hobbies medicine std. NS NIS,Patiala,Punjab,India,. Martial artist and amp; Thang Ta practitioner.

Chief Instructor and amp; founder,C. Thang Ta Association,Raipur,C.

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