Friday 30 March 2012

Your Spiritual Journey is a Gift

It's easy to ponder that we should do something, or skills development something, remarkable to hold a reason to share the story of our lives. We hold a method of believing that our ordinary lives are just that, ordinary. The price in reaching out is missed in our poor estimation of what we should offer. We wait for something large to happen to us prior to we recognize the importance of our journey. We do not acknowledge the special present we should share. It's the present of our ordinary lives shared with others. I joined a codependency help group. The people in my team are extraordinary. They are not, although, extraordinary by a worldly definition. None regarding the people at the table are famous, exceedingly wealthy or outrageously successful. They can be ordinary people living ordinary lives. I read from their lives. They live simply, and honorably, within the face of best adversity. In fact, adversity transforms them, creating them gentler, kinder and more forgiving. I admire their stamina and their confidence in God's procedure for their lives. Their journeys encourage me. For a while, I felt like I had no business receiving a spot at the table. I expected to have very little to offer, or receive from, the people sitting around me. Then, it started to happen. As stories were shared I began to connect with people. Some days I discovered that we had similar feelings. Other days I located myself working through similar challenge as someone to left or the right of me. Our lives began to intersect. Common threads connected their journeys to mine. Their stories filled my world with hope. I began to expect that I should have something to receive. Some days, when the meeting was over, people should thank me for possessing shared. My journey touched others and encouraged them. They located healing through my expression regarding the simple, ordinary experiences of my life. My stories filled their world with hope. I began to look that I not only had something to receive, I had something to offer.

I began to look that I desired to share my journey. I knew my story wasn't earth shattering or surprisingly unique. I knew it was an ordinary story about an ordinary life. I knew it had the standard ups, downs and in-betweens many like the lives of others. Yet, with all its ordinariness, I began to desire that my journey should be a gift. I have since prayed that my journey shall have common threads that connect the lives of others to mine. The god willing, my journey shall touch and encourage others. Maybe lives shall intersect and healing shall be located within the expression regarding the simple, ordinary experiences of my life? That should be a present for others and for me too. I'm sharing my spiritual journey due to the fact that I trust it is a present with value. I'm also receiving within the spiritual journeys around me. The journeys of others are encouraging my own spiritual growth and spiritual healing at this very time. We, the storytellers, are giving each other the present of our stories. We can change the globe with each retelling, due to the fact that each retelling is an opportunity to touch someone's life. Some component of our journey, large or small, can speak to those provided the opportunity to take it in. Perhaps you own an ordinary life that is little like mine? Maybe we should most share our journeys? Together we should reach out to even more people who should reach out as well. Imagine all the people who should realize that they can be not alone. Imagine all the people who should be touched, encouraged and healed through the simple truth that a shared journey is a present with value. I have begun sharing my journey with those that should like to receive it. I've provided my querty travels some friends, and I've also begun to make it available to strangers and casual friends. People are being touched. Strangers are hearing my story and finding that their life is not so different from mine. People I have knowledge of just little are reaching out due to the fact that they have discovered, through my story, that they can be not alone. I'm not doing anything special to make this all happen. In fact, I do not really make it happen at all. I just tell my story and The god does the rest. It's absolutely amazing. People are walking in your shoes and they do not even have knowledge of it. Tell them about that you own journey, and they will have knowledge of the truth that they can be not alone. You do not need to be someone extraordinary to release the present of your story. In fact, the journeys that change lives are many times the ones that say, "I've been where you are." An ordinary life has incredible power within the simple truth that it is very ordinary. Whether you own an ordinary life, you have got something valuable to share. Maybe you are intimidated by the plan of sharing your journey? I'll release you one piece of advice that helped me get over my own intimidation: trust God. He is large enough to connect your life to lives of others. If you are faithful to share your life, The god is ready, and very able, to honor your desire to reach out to others. He is within the business of touching lives. Let Him use your life to touch others. Tell your story.

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